Good Morning Y'all. This is the spot Mackenzie has chosen to glue herself to today.
And don't you dare try to move that ottoman or put her in the chair. If you even attempt to touch her stuffed monkey that's behind her legs she'll gettcha. Terrible 2's are coming a bit early in our house.
Look at her-see how she's blocking the monkey. She's like a little dog, very territorial...She got there first this morning, therefore it's her AREA for the entire day. It's only 8:33 am and I can tell it's going to be a looooooooooong day already.
Since I've been watching my friends little boy during the days I've tried to get Mackenzie to sleep in her crib during nap time instead of on the couch like normal so as she's not disturbed by him. But of course she's not used to this so we have to go thru the all screaming nonsense for a while. So after her distress calls faded, I went up to check on her and this is what I found. Looks like she attacked the stuffed toys and after conquering them all she passed out.
How cute is that 3rd to last pic.. looking at you like, "mom, get that camera off of me, I am trying to DRUM"! How sweet is she? TOOO sweet!
A-dorable -
I thiought you could sing pretty good - you HAVE to be better than Holly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
miss y'all
I don't think I wanna mess with the ottoman or the monkey. I believe Mackenzie might mean business...just look at that face (haha).
She is simply, positively adorable!!! I can just picture her growling and snapping if you go near her monkey, hee hee.
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