Happy 8th Birthday to my little TURTLE
Abby at 6-7 months old......She was sooo cute!!!! Her cheeks were just so squeezable and kissable which is why to this day her Pops calls her Sweetcheeks.
Here she is at her 3rd birthday party. Still cute and cuddly. I cropped myself out of this photo cuz I looked like a monster. I surprised these two are even smiling standing next to the scary beast.
And now she's 8. Not as much cute as she is pretty.
At what point to our baby girls turn from cute, cuddly balls of fluffy cuteness to pretty young ladies that might possibly go out on a date one day? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Why oh why do they have to grow up so fast?
Mouth full of cake-I'm sure she'll appreciate this picture when she sees it.
My cat has such a life of leisure.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ABBY. WOW, you are growing up, and yes you are so pretty.
Seems like yesterday you were coming in the office with Megan and you and I were playing hide-n-seek. I miss you!!! Come see me!!!
Sweet Sweet kiddos!
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