So I decided to count how many FAMILY FUN WEEKENDS we've had since MIssPrIss has been home. I count 63. Some more fun than others, but always special.
See this cat??? It's not ours. It's belongs to our neighbor. His name is Jonah and he hangs out all the time on our front porch to torture our cats. When I open the door he tries to come in. Here he is trying to get into the garage. Mackenzie loves him because he doesn't flee when she starts going for him. Well look here- he made his way into the garage. My fear is I'll lock him in there one night and he'll pee all over everything. So we cashed him off and thought he was gone for the night....until................ We went in for dinner and he was on the outside window ledge of our kitchen. I feel sorry for him but I assure you we WILL NOT be taking on another cat no matter how much our neighbors don't take care of him. I'm just glad it wasn't dark out b/c those cat eyes at night can freak you out. So Friday night we hung out in the drive-way.. Abby and her friend Madison rode bikes while the boys did boy stuff. Saturday Mackenzie went to her boyfriend's (GAVIN) birthday party. Enjoyed the swing. SOOOOOOO wish we had one. See this look? This is when I told her to come in for cake. I mean it's cake Kenzie lighten up girl.
Once she got it she was good to go. She was at least patient enough for us to get thru with singing and once he blew his candle out, she got out of her seat and handed her empty plate to his mom as if to say "Fill it please" And then Sunday.....First I was working in the church nursery for early service, volunteered in the nursery for Sunday School, went to the late service and saw Abby sing with her youth group, had the potluck dinner, helped clean up and by the time we were done with that our MOPS group was meeting at the church so she went right back into the nursery. Poor girl had do nap. But since it was Anniversary Sunday, they had a bouncy house, clowns, balloon animals and face you can see she was a cat. She had a great day but it'll be an early night. In fact I think I'm gonna put her down now as she is tearing thru all the toys that I just put away. Trying her best to smile for the camera but half asleep.
My name is Megan....My husband Brian nd I have three children. Miles, Abigail and Mackenzie. Brian brought the two oldest with him..I call them my bonus children. After we married we tried for five years to conceive. Eventually we turned to adoption. Our angel was born in July of 2006 and we flew to Guatemala a week later to meet her. That's our story...Sounds pretty boring and simple but I assure you it wasn't. Our life together so far has been filled with ups and downs and many turns. We have grown in our marriage and in our faith thru the entire adoption journey and we are better for it. We have a passion for Guatemala and hope to someday bring ALL of our children there to learn more about the beautiful country.
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