Okay--It's official the BODY SNATCHERS have come into our home while we were sleeping and taken our sweet baby girl and replaced her with a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT child.

I really don't know how to explain it. But she's just not the same girl. She's obstinate, disagreeable, moody and just not real nice lately. She doesn't listen, she's hitting, throwing toys and won't eat anything I put in front of her.
I know that she's almost two years old and that the terrible 2's is probably what we're experiencing here. I guess I just wasn't prepared for it this early.
Nothing seems to please her because she has no idea what she wants half the time. Yesterday, she laid down for her nap like normal on the couch and I took her shoes off (like I always do) she threw a fit so I put them back on. Shoot if she wants to sleep with her shoes on I don't care really, I was just trying to make her more comfortable. Anyway-she flipped out even more. She didn't want them on either. Turns out she wanted to hold them while she slept.
Please tell me the tantrums will go away some day and I'll get my girl back.
My kids did the exact same thing with their shoes.
well, I saw your comment on my blog, so you know I'm right there with ya!!!
I never know what silly little thing will send her into orbit.
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