Wednesday, May 14, 2008

WORDLESS WEDNESDAY-Take a guess what she's crying over?


HollyGee said...

You know I love those crying pics!!! Is she crying because the ball is in the wagon with her???

Chris and Lindsey Wheeler said... she crying because she was being pulled too fast??!!

Sandra said...

She's crying because the wagon has come to a "complete stop." OR, Daddy has pushed her buttons.

Farrah said...

I'm glad to see that my daughter isn't the only cryer out there.
I'm guessing it is a weird reason why!!!

A said...

Is she crying cause the ride is over and you told her it was time to go inside?

Madelyn's Mommy said...

I was going to guess that you stopped pulling her and she didn't like that idea. We usually have a few of those moments a day in our house.


Alleen said...

Oh my goodness. If it's like it is around here, it could be anything or nothing!