Thursday, July 24, 2008

Favorite Foto Friday - FRIENDS


Where would we be without our friends? I know I'd be lost. They pull me out of my shell, make me laugh and cry. Friends are one of those blessings that should not be taken for granted. And when you find a good friendship, you should honor it.

I'm glad to see that my girl has found herself some special friends.

This John-Bryan and Gia This picture was taken before we even met our beautiful girl. They were her first friends and still are her buddies today.
I really love this picture. She looks like a little peanut.

Where it all began

One year later

Still friends today

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JuJu - said...


I am copying you:)

JuJu - said...

I did copy you and you need to see my blog;)

love you:)

Happy Cleaning:)

wanna go to Target????????????

Sarah said...

What sweet sweet pictures!!! You have some very special friends!

Anonymous said...

They are soooooo cute!!! BFF's forever is right!

Robyn said...

What sweet pics!!


Jennifer said...

What adorable pictures!!! Nothing like childhood friendships