Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My day started earlier than I would have liked with Mackenzie waking me up super early saying "milkkkk, milkkkk". So I brought her downstairs, gave her some milk and we fell asleep for another couple hours on the couch.

I've had bad headaches all week and haven't been sleeping good and this morning it was really catching up with me. So today I had all the plans to work on my laptop while lounging in my pj's in front of the tv, then run a few important errands and return home for a nap buuutttttt.......JuJu called and ordered me to get up and get ready and meet her at the pool...

So off we went. Did I get any pictures of the pool? None worth posting. But I do have a few others.

Abby looking as cute as ever. She was so excited this morning because her mom called and told her she was going to take her to the Jonas Brothers concert tonight. She got off the phone and immediately started planning what she was going to wear.

Now this picture of Mackenzie is her coming around the corner out of time out for the 7th time this morning. Can you see on her face that TIME OUT is not working? I can always tell if she knew what she did was wrong if she doesn't pitch a fit about going to the chair and if she pops up with this smile. Aaaaahh!!!

Skettie for dinner! I think they enjoyed it. Since Sissy was gone for the night and Daddy was working late...It was just me, Kenzie and Miles.... Miles always tend to get a little silly when Abby isn't around to fight with.

He was throwing around all these poses and Kenzie copied them all. They had a good time together. She really loves her big brother.

FINALLY-she smiles when she sees a camera....Only taken two years.

More Silliness


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HollyGee said...

Seriously sweet is she??? What a little poser!!!


JuJu - said...

LOVE it! Had a blast today! I need to see if i got any good pics myself:)

thanks for hanging with us:)

Madelyn's Mommy said...

Those pics are really cute!!

Too funny!


Alleen said...

omgosh, I LOVE that last picture!!!! Reminds me of Lady and the Tramp with the spaghetti!