Friday, July 11, 2008


Mackenzie's birthday party was a success. It was a full house at the Children's Museum.
This place is so cool for parties. It's got all these little stations set up like a grocery store, dentist office, post office, dress up, bank etc. And the kids can just roam all over. My favorite part is that it's safe. They lock all the doors except the front entrance and that's monitored by an adult. So you can let your kids go free and not worry about them too much.

Mackenzie and Isabella. They have a love/hate relationship. I never know what I'm going to find when I walk into the church nursery. They are either glued to eachother or scratching the other's eyes out.

We started to sing and she just looked around like she didn't really know what was going on and then decided to join in and sang to herself.

Happy birthday to my sweet baby girl who isn't quite a baby any more. I have mixed emotions about this whole growing up thing. On the one hand I'm so thankful that she's healthy and growing big and strong and learning new things but on the other hand it hurts my heart that she's becoming more independent and eventually won't need her mommy anymore. I know she's only 2 but it doesn't look like she's going to stop getting older so I guess I'd better get used to this little ache in my heart.


Madelyn's Mommy said...

Her dress is beautiful!!! And of course she is too!

Looks like the party was so much fun!

I know what you mean about wanting her to stay a baby. I want Madi too stay a toddler. I am loving this age.


Jennifer said...

Awww Looks like the kiddos had a great time at the party. She looks so cute. I hate that they grow up too. Thanks for sharing

Alleen said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

Oh.My.Gosh.... I wish we had some place like that here. I always say that unless it's completely contained,safe and no exit that Gabriella WILL get out and I will be exhausted chasing her. She would LOVE that!