Tuesday, August 12, 2008

And Georgia will never be the same.............

After 6 hours and little to no sleep for the three toddlers we had in the car, JuJu and I made it to Georgia with Abby-Grace, John-Bryan and Mackenzie in tow.
Kerry's home is beautiful, Savannah is even more beautiful and Cameron is still a charmer. We saw little of Kerry's hubby the first night being as he's a very busy man, but the smidgin that we did see him, Mackenzie took an immediate liking to him and started calling him Daddy.
This morning was great.....kids watched a bit of Dora on the computer and then we shipped them off to the sitter's house so we could have a few hours to plan for Guatoberfest. Upon return to Kerry's house we were at an absolute loss as to how to handle the silence....10 minutes in and we got in the groove and accomplished quite a lot. Next thing we knew it was time to go get them.

Fed them some lunch, took them out side to play and then nite-nite-nappytime.

I left my camera at home so I had to steal these from Julia and Kerry. I hate that I don't have more.

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Madelyn's Mommy said...

Looks like ya'll are having fun! Enjoy your stay!


Tracey said...

Looks like a blast!!! Hugs to all those beautiful kiddos and their mommies!