Easter was a lot more fun this year because Mackenzie really knew what was going on. I thought we'd be able to hide just the plain plastic eggs without putting candy in them (mostly because I forgot to get some). Anyway I thought she'd think it was fun just to go find the eggs. But Gam brought a few eggs with candy in them and she quickly learned how to shake them and see if they were filled and if they weren't she'd throw them back down. Sidewalk chalk one of the many things the Easter BUnny brought her.
Grandma Helen came on Thursday and she wore her out. The cat was pretty tired too. We've had such a fun time so far I don't want her to go home. She's been helping with the never ending pile of laundry, she cooked Easter dinner and entertained the children. PLEASE DON'T GO MOMMY.
My name is Megan....My husband Brian nd I have three children. Miles, Abigail and Mackenzie. Brian brought the two oldest with him..I call them my bonus children. After we married we tried for five years to conceive. Eventually we turned to adoption. Our angel was born in July of 2006 and we flew to Guatemala a week later to meet her. That's our story...Sounds pretty boring and simple but I assure you it wasn't. Our life together so far has been filled with ups and downs and many turns. We have grown in our marriage and in our faith thru the entire adoption journey and we are better for it. We have a passion for Guatemala and hope to someday bring ALL of our children there to learn more about the beautiful country.
She is so pretty! I love the picture of the two of you! Glad you had a good Easter and that your Mom was with you.
Looks like a fun Easter with your cutie !!
Soooooo fun!! And she is soooo adorable!! I wish we could be outside in short sleeve shirts!!
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