Well Grandma has left us. We had a very nice visit and we already miss her. It was fun while it lasted. We didn't do anything too exciting but it was fun having someone else around to talk to other than Little Miss.

We went to
Walmart and got some
finger painting supplies.....I don't usually do these messy projects because I hate the clean up but I decided to just go for it. So after nap we changed our clothes, pulled out all the supplies and headed outside to create our masterpiece. Since she's a genius I was sure she was going to arrange the colors just so beautifully on the paper so that we would be able to sell it to some major art museum and make loads of money for her college education. Instead we got this......

And that's it and she didn't want to do it anymore on account of she doesn't like getting anything on her hands. DIVA!!

Wait Sis-you're going to fast.....My little legs can't keep up.

I'm gaining on you....
Darnit you won....Not fair you can just pick me up like that and get away with it. If I didn't have a diaper, that would be one heck of a

On Grandma's last day we went to the park.......Mackenzie was having such fun I thought I'd try it out. I forgot how fun sliding is. It's fun being a kid for a while. I so enjoy playing.

Can you tell?

This faces lights me up

My monkey climbing the tree.
Yeeeeeeeesssssssss, we were crouched down underneath her....so don't get all panicky.
Funny post! That artwork looked like it should be in a art gallery to me! :)
And the pants picture is just too funny!
thank you sooooooooooooooooooooo much for today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You rock:)
I tegged ya'll
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