Favorite Foto Friday - Topic is WHATEVER YOU WANT TO POST-due to Sarah being at the beach and having internet problems

This was taken last April. She was just starting to get more teeth and this was the first introduction to Cheerios. As you can see my her expression she was pretty excited. I cannot believe how much she has changed.
Oh yeah, we've added a new word to her vocabulary. DORK. Apparantly that word gets thrown around quite a bit in our house. OOPS-I guess it could be worse.
I said "well, crap" on the phone the other day. Guess who repeated me? Oops.
I wander where "Dork" came from Megan????
Oh, that is just toooo cute...
and yeah, could be worse than dork!
Love the baby cheese! I take pictures of K all the time doing that.
We get caca and DOH! around here a lot. Little parrots, they are!
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