I've been so busy I forgot to post these pictures of our fun day last week.

We had the priveledge of watching JB and AG for JuJu while they got all packed up and moved into their new house. We had such a great time playing. Look Mackenzie is even getting better at sharing her toys. Although technically this toy cell phone is her sister's that she swiped from her room while she was at school but whatever.

Pretty girls. AG was a pure angel the entire day. And I'm still amazed that both of these children just laid down and took a nap when I put them in the crib and pack-n-play. No hassles. No crying...just napping. How does JuJu do this? What am I doing wrong?

Kenzie and AG sat at this window for a very long time bouncing up and down and yelling na, na, na, na, na. JB and I were in our own world playing.

Look at this happy guy. I swear he wears a smile 99% of the time.

Wow, Wow Wuzzby is what got this reaction. Good thing I taped it because he wanted to watch it quite a few times.

We really did enjoy watching them. All three of them were so good together and watching them I just kept stopping whatever I was doing to praise God for bringing them into our lives. Such a blessing.
I must agree...what a blessing. Beautiful, beautiful babies.
WHAT FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you darlin:)
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