Sunday, June 29, 2008


Okay so I should probably explain why my husband's face is pasted onto a cardboard gingerbread cutout. But I'd rather just have your wonder...

We had Vacation Bible School at our church last week so for a couple weeks prior I was cutting out tons of things for all the crafts we would be doing. One of which was over 100 cardboard gingerbread people...
Daddy was out of town for a few days and Mackenzie wouldn't quit saying "Daddy". Every other word was Daddy......By day three I was seriously getting a little tired of hearing it but still thought it was cute that she missed him so much.
So since I had all these cardboard people and lots of extras I decided to make "The Other Daddy". Really I just did it to amuse myself as I needed a break from the monotony of cutting. I thought she'd smile and say "daddy" yet again. What I didn't expect was how she instantly fell in love with him.

She immediately picked him up and kissed him and hugged him.

Here she's dancing with him.

I do believe we'll be keeping him around for future times that the real daddy is away. I put him away the other day and she found him and put him in his chair. Ya know the one chair that every dad has that is positioned directly across from the TV. Now that's funny....I don't care who ya are.

This picture is just cute.


Tracey said...

Such a great idea. And so adorable how she carried the other daddy around! What a punkin!

Madelyn's Mommy said...

You are so funny!!!!!


Andrea said...

That is tOO funny. I love the dancing picture-they're having a great time ;)

Love that last picture, too. She's super duper cute!!

Alleen said...

omgosh, that is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's something Gabriella would do!

JuJu - said...

could you please add a link to the mission blog

and a link to Erin Stoy's craft blog -

love you - hope you feel better soon:):)

JuJu - said...

I tagged you