Thursday, July 3, 2008


I don't know who started this one but JuJu tagged me so I'd better comply. I'm supposed to list 5 things I can't live without...I guess that means not people so my family is out......hmmmm let me think.....
1. Coffee
2. my laptop
3. Scooby gummy snacks (they are the cure all for every sort of temper tantrum)
4. TiVo (well I probably could live without it but I CHOOSE NOT TO)
and finally
5. My body pillow
We're going to the beach in a week and Mackenzie is sooooooooo excited. Can you tell?

She's dragged this floaty all over the house

Fun with the camera at the baseball game tonight.

She didn't enjoy the baseball so much....Did however really enjoy the cotton candy, peanuts and french fries though.
And then the fireworks started and it was down hill from there. Too loud I suppose.
I love the 4th of July....One of my favorite holidays and there's something about living in a military town on the 4th that makes it even more special. As we were watching the fireworks tonight I just stared up in the sky and said a prayer of thanks to our God for allowing me to be born in this wonderful country where I can be what I want to be, say what I want to say and worship who I want to worship and what's even more that there are people that actually have made the ultimate sacrifice so that I may do these things.

Oh yeah, one more pic....ha ha ha..Miles not to excited about the camera on him. OOPS!!


JuJu - said...

Miles - heeheeheehee!

Ashton said...

Great pix!!!!!! I love the one of Miles! hehehe